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beYOUty Queens

the 2021 beYOUty Queen Search

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The beYOUty school is looking for Yielded, Outstanding and Unselfish girls to display beYOUtyfull butterfly behavior during the 2021-2022 school year. One beYOUtyfull girl will be crowned in each division: Ages (4-6) (7-9) (10-12) (13-15). Also, one girl in each age group will be selected to be an alternate in the event that a beYOUty queen can’t serve. Our beYOUty Queens will:

  • inspire girls to pursue their dreams and aspirations

  • develop personal leadership skills

  • create community connections

Applicants must create a beYOUtyfull Portfolio.

The beYOUty Queens will be chosen by a panel of judges who will score each beYOUtyfull portfolio. The portfolio’s will be judged in four areas: presentation, creativity, effort, number of votes.


Download the requirements for the beYOUtyfull Portfolio Here. 

Submit your beYOUtyfull Portfolio along with at least 50 votes to “the beYOUty school” in person or via us mail on or before Saturday May 29th 2021. The winners will be announced during the GREAT GIRLS Conference. Tentative Date: Saturday June 5th, 2021. 

the beYOUty Queen Prize Package:

  • beYOUtyfull butterfly crown and sash

  • beYOUty Queen 2021 photo shoot

  • beYOUty Queen 2021 retreat & events

  • beYOUtyfull 2021 school supply package

  • beYOUty school 2021-22 tuition

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We love pageantry because it gives our girls an opportunity to put their achievements on display. Pageants are more than pretty faces, gorgeous gowns and blinging crowns. We believe that girls should bling from the inside out. The beYOUty School pageant team is held to a high standard and each member is expected to strive for excellence. We focus on pursuing academic honors, communication skills, poise, positive attitudes, honing out talents and giving back to our communities. We want YOU to develop to your greatest potential whether or not you ever grace the pageant stage.

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