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                                             T.E.A. GIRL 

                                          “Pouring PositiviTEA in my CommuniTEA!”


1. Friendship TEA

Our Friendship is like a cup of Tea, the perfect blend of you and me!

Friendship Tea Recipe:

A spoonful of HonesTEA,

A dash of LoyalTEA

A pinch of HumiliTEA

Blend together gently, serve warm,

Makes enough for a lifetime!




















2. SpecialTEA’s

  • TranquiliTEA –  a little conversation and relaxation, have a cup of Tea and let it be…

  • SpiritualiTEA –  say a prayer or meditation where there is tea, there is hope.

  • HospitaliTEA – love, laughter and lots of Tea with friends & family, may your cup overflow with love!

  • CreativiTEA – thoughtful, engaging, activities, when life hands you lemons put a slice in your Sweet Tea!



3. SPILL the TEA with BREI Podcast

“A safe place to share your thoughts with me.”


4. Brewing PossibiliTEA

“Every cup of Tea represents an imaginary voyage!”  - Catherine Douzal

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Cup of Tea

© 2023 by the beYOUty school.

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